CRF Event Questionnaire for Thinkshops B-Global

Let’s take your business to the next level!

Just checking you qualify…

Please answer these questions to verify that you qualify for the specific business support and funding options offered in this event

CRF Event Questionnaire

We always aim to be as helpful as possible and to bring you offers and services that WILL help you, in doing that some of our offerings are very specific and in order not to waste your precious time, we like to make sure that specific events and services we put forward are right for you, to do that we always ask a few questions first before booking you in!

CRF Event Questionnaire for Thinkshops B-Global

This support is being delivered as part of the East Midlands Accelerator project; a collaborative partnership led by East Midlands Chamber and including our region’s universities and business support agencies. East Midlands Accelerator is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

3 simple questions

The East Midlands Accelerator project is funded through the UK Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) administered by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). East Midlands Chamber and the project partners as well as the Lead Authority process personal data. We may also share this data amongst the partnership where applicable and with other support providers where express permission has been given. It will not be used for any other purpose.

The project has contractual obligations to collect the data included within this form to record outputs and outcomes, undertake a project evaluation and so that DLUHC can monitor and evaluate the UKCRF programme. The Lead Authority in its role as Funding Manager on behalf of DLUHC, can request to see and check the information but will fully anonymise any personal data prior to delivering any required aggregated data sets to DLUHC and will not transfer any personal data to DLUHC.

I give permission for the information contained in this form to be shared with the relevant parties and for the Chamber to contact me regarding the interaction, and with details of other opportunities available through the project.

The cost of this event or training course is offered to you as financial assistance under the UK Government Subsidy Control Regime as outlined in the draft Subsidy Control Bill (Subsidy Control Bill – Parliamentary Bills – UK Parliament). This outlines that companies, that are not ailing or insolvent without a credible restructuring plan, can receive small amounts of subsidy without the need for either a full evaluation of the subsidy or registration of the subsidy. This minimal financial assistance is up to £315,000 over a three-year period including De Minimis aid received under the European Commission’s De Minimis regulations (1407/2013) which allows a business to receive up to €200,000 of De Minimis aid in any three fiscal year period.

I declare that my business has not received more than £315,000 of financial assistance over the past three-years

Click here if; you have received €200,000 or more of De Minimus aid in the last 3 years. You do not have sufficient information to confirm the above. You do not give permission for your data to be shared between listed partners for reasons above. Your business is NOT a going concern, even with restructuring plan. Your business has not recived more than £315,000 in the past three year period.